What Is Emotional Eating?
Using food to celebrate or cheer yourself isn’t always a bad thing. After all, we have cake on our birthdays, eat ice cream during breakups, or cook our mom’s famous dish when we’re lonely. But if you’re turning to food any time you feel an uncomfortable emotion, that behavior can become compulsive and could lead to disordered eating. Thankfully, there are ways you can learn to be more intentional about eating to avoid feeling out of control.
How Is The Brain Affected By Eating Disorders?
Eating disorders do more than just damage the body. More research is showing the extent to which they harm the brain. They’re also not just about restricting or choosing not to eat food—they’re deeply rooted in psychological and emotional struggles. Eating disorders can damage many bodily processes and reinforce brain changes.
How To Share About Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are all too common, affecting millions of people every day. But despite how common they are, they’re still hard to talk about. There’s shame and stigma attached to eating disorders, and if you’ve been struggling with one you’ve most likely been hiding it from others. But sharing your struggles with someone you trust is an essential step towards recovery.
What Is TF-CBT And What Does It Help With?
If you or your child have been struggling with past trauma, you may be wondering how to approach it. In therapy, there are dozens of methods that may or may not work. Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (or TF-CBT) is particularly useful in treating trauma-related disorders in children and teenagers.
Teens, Eating Disorders & Signs To Look For
Everywhere we look, thinness is promoted as the beauty standard. For teenagers, this bombardment of thin social media influencers, pop stars, and actors is happening at crucial time in their brain development. As a parent or someone who works with teens, it’s important to be able to recognize the signs of an eating disorder.
Exploring Your Sexual Orientation? Therapy Can Help With This Process
Understanding your sexual orientation is a deeply personal and transformative journey. It’s a process of self-discovery that involves deeply exploring aspects of your identity, emotions, and desires.
How Is OCD Treated?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic mental health condition characterized by intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions).
Gentle Ways To Help Your Child Cope With A Divorce
Going through a divorce is an emotionally challenging time for both parents and children alike. As parents, it’s essential that you support your child through this difficult transition in a gentle and understanding way.
Signs Of Depression In Children And How To Help Them
Depression isn’t just a problem for adults. It’s a serious mental health condition that can affect people of all ages, including children. Learning to recognize the signs of depression in children is essential for getting them the help they need.
What Are Signs Of Eating Disorders And Who Do They Impact?
Recognizing the signs of eating disorders is an important first step in helping those who are struggling. By understanding how complicated eating disorders are and who they affect, we can work towards creating a society that fosters positive body image and healthy relationships with food.
How To Talk About Eating Disorders
Deciding to seek help for an eating disorder is almost never an easy task. People suffering from eating disorders often feel deep shame and try to hide them from those that know them best.
What Are The Differences Between Anorexia And Bulimia?
Eating disorders aren’t always what’s shown in the media. The stereotype, that eating disorders mostly affect young middle-class women and girls, simply isn’t true. Millions of people from every race, class, age group, and gender suffer from eating disorders.
What Are Signs Of Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are about more than just food—they’re a complex set of mental health disorders that focus on food intake, body image, and control. They’re also more common than we think. Studies estimate that at least 28 million Americans will struggle with an eating disorder at some point in their lives.
Talking About Eating Disorders When They Are A Touchy Subject
Eating disorders are unfortunately quite common and difficult to talk about. Eating disorders can affect anyone, regardless of their age, gender, or background, despite the stereotype that they mostly affect young women. They often stem from complex physical, emotional, and psychological factors.
How To Calm Anxiety Attacks
If you’ve had an anxiety attack, you know it can be a very difficult and distressing experience. They can make you feel like you’re losing control, and can cause physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and sweating.
Trauma And The Effect It Has On A Child’s Development
We all want children to have happy, fulfilling childhoods. But sometimes bad things happen. Trauma can take many forms, including physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, neglect, witnessing violence, or experiencing a natural disaster or serious accident.
How Does Childhood Trauma Impact An Adult?
What happens to us as children can follow us throughout our lives. Childhood trauma is a distressing event or series of events that a child during their formative years. It can be due to abuse, neglect, the loss of a loved one, or witnessing traumatic events.
Is Healing From Childhood Trauma As An Adult Possible?
Childhood trauma can have a lasting impact on a person’s life, and the effects can be felt long into adulthood. Trauma can come in many forms, such as abuse, neglect, or experiencing a natural disaster. These experiences can have significant effects on a person’s emotional, physical, and mental health.
How Is Addiction A Family Disease?
We think of addiction as mostly affecting one person. It’s the alcoholic whose life spirals out of control. The drug addict is the one who loses contact with friends and family. The person suffering from substance abuse disorder gets fired, loses custody of their children, and struggles with money. But these tragedies don’t happen in a vacuum.
3 Ways To Ensure You Succeed With Gottman Couples Therapy
The Gottman Method is a form of therapy based on research by Drs. John and Julie Gottman. Dr. John Gottman’s long-term studies of couples have shown that people who stay together and people who get divorced show certain behaviors.